Saturday, November 17, 2012

Fossil fuels saved the whales

There aren't too many folks who haven't heard the environmentalist's pleas to save the whales.  Human beings are so cruel, they claim.  Only humans would hunt whales to extinction for their blubber.  In the old days, whale blubber was turned into whale oil, which was used to light homes before there was such a thing as electricity.

If it wasn't for oil, whales would have been hunted to extinction for sure by now.

If it wasn't for coal, forests would have been denuded of trees by now.

If we go Barak to the future, the trees and the whales won't be safe.  But those who won't think for themselves believe what the environmentalists say.  They will stop the fossil fuel industry from saving the whales and the trees.

Yeah, I know it all sounds so extreme.  But truth is extreme.  So are lies.  You don't find the truth by splitting the difference.

Save the whales.  Keep the fossil fuel industry going.

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