Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ann Barnhardt has a good post

I suggest going to her site and read it.

By the way, there's a song that comes to mind.  Perhaps it is not exactly the best choice to mention it, so I won't give out its title here.  Just to say that there's a few words that are applicable this morning as I write this---and it is this:  Everybody is looking for something.

If you are reading this, what are you looking for?  Would you know it if you found it?

One more thing before I do some chores this morning.

I've gone over the video that I put up the other night.  The one about Napoleon Hill and the Science of Success.  The thing I want to mention is how well done it is.  It is another thing I recommend to anyone who is sincerely looking for something.  Chances are, there's something there that you can find that will be of use to you, even if you aren't looking.

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