Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Quick post, 5.11.16

Primary news that shouldn't be news-  Trump  wins Nebraska and West Virginia.  He is about 100 delegates from clinching the nomination.  Earlier this week, Cruz said he may jump back into the race if he won Nebraska.  By the way, did he really say that, or is it being hyped?  On the other hand, if Cruz endorsed Trump, there wouldn't be any possibility of such speculation.

Hillary continues to march towards nomination.  Frankly, I just don't get it.  Evidently, people are just too wrapped up into their belief systems, which makes it impossible for them to see how she should not be in the White House.

Yet, people say that about Trump too.  However, in a choice between Hillary and Trump, one of them has to be wrong, and other right.  They cannot be both wrong, or both right.  But, you'll find people on all sides of this issue.

Hillary has had her chance at governance and has failed badly.  Trump has not had his chance.  To me, it is the same as in 2012- it is about accountability.  Either you hold those in power accountable, or you risk losing the Republic.  For how can the Republic be kept if there's no accountability?  If for no other reason, Trump should be elected in order to restore accountability to the government.

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