Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Who is Guccifer?

You have probably heard about this hacker.  I have, but it didn't click.  Maybe because of the strange name.  Who knows?  This Guccifer fellow is a hacker connected to the Hillary email scandal.  He is said to have hacked into her email account.  You know, the one she wasn't supposed to have because it is illegal to have one outside the State Dept?  Yeah, that one.

It so happens that Guccifer was hacked in turn by Russian intelligence.  Which means that Russia has Hillary's emails.


I'm sure that Ted Cruz would certainly approve of this.


I am slogging through some information on this story.  The reason that it wasn't much interest to me is that it is already against the law.  It is open and shut as far as I'm concerned.  But this is the Clintons, and that means if there's some legal gimmick that will get her off, then they have got that angle covered.  Supposedly.

Now, in seemingly unrelated matter, I once read a book about the KGB.  The book was about spy stories, of course.  The methods told about were said to be so aggressive that the KGB was able to get past tight security.  This book was written in the sixties, based upon true information, and long before computers became so widespread like today. 

Computers are inherently unsecure, by the way.  That is because of rapid data replication.

To connect these unrelated stories, it is important to understand that a competent and aggressive intelligence network like the KGB can penetrate even tough defenses.  Thus an unsecure computer server is not to be tolerated, unless you have a death wish.

When I say death wish, I do not kid you.  This can get a lot of people killed.   This could be on a Biblical scale, ya'll.  You just don't have unsecure email servers, period.

The Russians were so paranoid that they wouldn't even allow carbon paper copying.  If you want to protect secrets, you have to be careful.  Perhaps this level isn't necessary, but some level is.  The law says so.  It remains to be seen whether the law will be enforced, and if our government has enough snap to understand the importance of protecting state secrets.  Incredible to think that they may not.

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