Sunday, June 18, 2017

"Moonshot" feasibility continued...

This post will fit into my off-the-grid "subseries" of posts.  It will be classified under the general subcategory.  It can read end to end by following the links, or the entire series can be accessed through the table of contents post.

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In my last post, I expressed some doubt about continuing with my plans.  Not too long ago, I decided to continue for the time being.

So, I continue making my preparations, with an eye towards making the move out there.  I want to be sure that my health is really okay before I get too serious about it.  At the moment, the move is on hold, with everything else I do as a sort of laboratory to continue to study it as a feasible goal to pursue.

The idea of buying a fuel cell to make water is out of reach financially.  I would need to be able to absorb a disappointment if it didn't work out.  Therefore, it is way too risky to go that route for now.

Lately, I have been considering the purchase of a Chevy Volt, for the purpose of using its considerable battery and charging power to power my trailer while I am not driving.  This is also expensive.  A used Chevy Volt is well over ten grand, and I don't really have that kind of money to spend on cars at this time.  But I do have two vehicles, each of which could be sold for the money necessary to get this kind of car.  But it wouldn't pay for all of it.

The car wouldn't be useful to the extent that I would like.  It does have 12 volt cigarette lighter receptacles that could connect to my battery powered systems, and that in turn could provide plenty of help to power my systems.  It is not what I would like, in the fuel cell mode, but would at least be useful for transportation.  Something to consider going forward.

I do have a trailer still in my van.  It needs to be assembled.  Number One doesn't like this trailer, because it would need a lot of work to firm it up.  Mainly welding.  Well, I have a lot of time.  Maybe I could learn to weld, and do it myself.

Okay, that's all for now.

original post, 6.15.17, updated on 6.18.17 :

No Chevy Volt.  It is a bit absurd to consider spending that kind of money when I simply do not have it.  I can get a simple propane generator for less than a grand.  That will be sufficient.

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