Saturday, March 17, 2018

Haven't the Progs won already?

The answer seems to be "not so fast, buster".

Julius Caesar Was A Democrat: An Ides Of March Special – History Video!

Julius Caesar Was A Democrat: An Ides Of March Special – History Video!


Rome seems to be a lot like modern times.  Yet, Rome collapsed, and the Dark Ages took over for a thousand years.

There may be those who say things will get better and better, but if history is any guide, then there is no guarantee of that.

Was that flight attendant a Muslim?

Muslims hate dogs.

So, my antenna went up when I saw this story.  Not to mention that Ace seems to be seeing what I am seeing--- which is, that the corporations are not our friends.

The story is that a United Airline flight attendant placed a dog in an unsafe location, and the dog subsequently died in flight.  Abundant evidence seems to point to premeditated cruelty toward the dog.  This perpetrator is in cover-up mode now, or so it seems.

The dog reference and the anti-gun blitz seems to fit together.  The county in which the shooting occurred was heavily infiltrated by Mohammedans, and governed by leftists.  They let this shooting happen.

By the way, corporations are caving in to leftist demands that we disarm, and the so-called right continues to favor them?

Why?  Who would want us to disarm but the leftists and the Mohammedans?  Aren't we supposed to be fighting terrorism?

What the hell is wrong with the GOP?  The base does not want this leftist garbage.  The US House passed a bill that is supposedly intended to stop school violence.  It is absurd that they caved in to the media/leftist propaganda and passed a stupid bill like this.

The media is primarily owned by big corporations.  These people are not our friends.  I am glad that somebody agrees.

The GOP claims that they are worried about losing the midterms, but this kind of crap points out that they just don't give a crap about winning.  Nothing is more likely to cause them to lose than to be no different from the leftists that they are supposed to be opposing.

Friday, March 16, 2018

AGW discussion 107

Just the other day, I was reading "Trashing the Planet", by Dixy Lee Ray.  It is
supposed to be the anti-dote to this left wing environmentalist hysteria. But
I found something in it that was questionable.

You see, even the "good guys" can get corrupted a bit.

Anyway, she said that the atmosphere is what heats up the planet.  Nope, that
is not correct, in my opinion.  Instead of heating up, it is helping to cool
down.  In the process, it is taking the heat that is trapped by the earth on
directing it out to space.  This is what gives us our weather.

I'm sorry, but this book grants too much ground to the warmists.

It is the ocean that makes all the difference.  The land heats up quickly, and
also releases the heat quickly.  It is transmitted through the atmosphere
quickly as well.  If the Earth had no oceans, then the climate would be much
different.  There would be wider swings in the temperatures.

Martian climate

Mars has but little water.  The atmosphere is too thin to support water
on the surface.

If Mars' atmosphere were thicker, it wouldn't heat up much more than now.  It is
the liquid water that contains the heat better.

What if the atmosphere on Mars were to return?  What would the climate be like?
Assuming no oceans, or no seas, that is.  By the way, there may be enough frozen ice in
the ice caps to support some shallow seas on Mars.  Let's for the moment assume
that this doesn't happen.

At present Mars weather is very extreme.  Temperature variations could be more than
75 degree Farenheit between highs and lows for the day.

Would an atmosphere on Mars, absent some shallow seas, make that much difference?

On the other hand, if Mars had three quarters of its surface covered by water,
and a thick atmosphere, like Earth, what would its climate be like?

Probably more like Earth, but not by much.  The high-low temperatures would not
be as extreme.  It would appear "warmer", but it is only because the extremes
have been evened out.  With a deep ocean and thick atmosphere, it would even
out even more.

But the thicker atmosphere only carries the heat.  It doesn't hold it for long.  The
water in the oceans is what makes the difference, as it evens out the extremes.

A simple experiment at home is convincing.. My thermometer is just above and to
the left of my shoulder when I am at the stove.  When cooking, the temperature
will rise more slowly than if there were nothing on top of the stove.

Stands to reason though... Water in food is absorbing a lot of BTU's from the stove.  Those BTU's won't be released as fast, because the water is absorbing the heat.  Less heat is going into the room because it is going into the food.

However, the heat effect should last longer.  The BTU's saved up in water will
warm up the place, but not as high as with the stove burning alone. 

I believe a similar process occurs with climate.  Massive amounts of heat are stored
in the oceans, which is released slowly back into the atmosphere.  This evens out the
temperature variations that would occur if there were no oceans storing up the heat.


The Wikipedia entry for Martian climate cites claims that solar radiation does
not account for the similar occurrences of climate change that occur at the
same time on both Earth and Mars.  The Wikipedia article cites a quote that is
prejudicial to such a point of view, and degrades it by saying that it "doesn't
make sense."  Such language may influence people to think that it is without
merit.  This is how such bias can influence many people to go along with a
belief that isn't factual nor objective, but emotional.

Updated today, 3.16.18

Following up on the Wikipedia link, I found that Jim McDermott defeated Dixy Lee
Ray for the Democrat nomination for the governorship of Washington state in 1980.

It is the same Jim McDermott, who was charged with an ethical complaint for having
sent an illegally recorded conversation of Newt Gingrich- to the New York Times.

I noticed also that Dixy Lee Ray may have been rumored to be a homosexual, but
these rumors may have been started by someone for a malicious purpose.  Whether
this was in connection to the governor race in 1980, I don't know.  Just saying
that McDermott didn't mind playing dirty, if the Gingrich tape was any indication.

Dixy Lee Ray was considered as a replacement for the outgoing Mr. Shaw, who was
with the Nixon administration when Weinberg got fired.  Weinberg was an advocate
of the molten salt reactor.

Gov. Ray was a champion of nuclear power herself, and most likely would have been
receptive to Weinberg, as opposed to Shaw, who fired Weinberg for questioning
breeder reactor technology.

There is a bit of speculation for you on what might have been.  If Gov. Ray had
been there in place of Shaw, molten salt reactor technology might have been
pursued instead of the failed breeder reactor technology.

Thorium reactor technology could have made this country completely
independent of foreign oil at a time when this was a growing problem
for the nation.  Besides that, it enriched the Islamic world at the expense
of the west.

Just think of what could have been.  It boggles the mind.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Obligatory, Ides of March

Thurs, 3.15.18

The data issue is being addressed effectively, I think.  So, now I can scan the
news, and keep up.

It isn't a complete dive into the news, as I can only do headlines for now.  Perhaps
later, I can dive in a bit deeper.

Anyway, to comment on the latest news.

This anti-gun agitation reminds me of how much we are being bombarded with lies.  The
left has to know that the mere ownership of guns does not mean that all guns must
be confiscated.  That's because everybody who owns a gun is not a criminal.  In
fact, almost all crime is being committed by a small minority of perpetrators.

Does it not make more sense to organize against this small minority?  Instead
of doing that, these lefties are going after all the law abiding gun owners.
It is ineffective because the left wants it to be.  The left wants incidents like
the Parkland shooting, in order to agitate for gun-control.

When the left gains power, they don't tend to want to give it up.  It would take
a revolution to get rid of them.  Does it make sense then, that this is the real
reason that they want to confiscate all guns?  Without guns, how can anybody
oppose them by the use of force?  On the other hand, the left will have a monopoly
on the use of force, as they would be in charge of the government.  Nice little
arrangement, there.

Gun ownership guarantees freedom.  If the lefties succeed in getting people to
give up their guns, they will have been successful in gaining permanent control
over the government.  You will no longer have the capacity to oust them if they
govern badly, as they are guaranteed to do.  All leftist regimes tend towards
misrule.  Is that not the case with the Parkland shooting itself?

Would there have been a shooting there at all if the government did their jobs?

By the way, this is the real reason for having a second amendment.  Just like
all of the Constitution, it is meant to reign in politicians, not the people.
Someone needs to keep pounding on this because the left appears to be gaining
ground here.  There could be a real danger that these people will succeed.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Off-grid post 3.14.18

A number of odds and ends here.

My data diet is working, as my data consumption has dropped considerably.  But
the posting has also been light.  Can't keep up with the news as I would like,
and I haven't found a substitute for the web.  The old media won't do, but
it may be the only thing I have that can replace the web.

But I won't buy more data.  It seems like a scam to me.

Moving on, the off-grid discussion will continue...

I got an idea, but I don't know if it is any good.  The idea is to use metal
pipes buried in concrete as my posts.  This is in contrast to using wood.
How to fasten things to it? This is what you would call a good question.  A
possibility would be to drill holes where something would be fastened.  Also,
to use fasteners.  ( well, duh )

The pipes could be threaded at each end, and an elbow, tee, or split connector
could be used to put them together.  After some thought, the mechanics of actually
doing this may require that it be assembled, and then emplaced with a bolt at
the bottom.  After getting it assembled, and bolted down, then pour the concrete
over the bolted down part.

The assembled part would look like the letter "u", but upside down.  It would
fit into the five gallon bucket ( or smaller ), which, in turn, be inside a
larger container. ( if that makes sense )  It would be buried about 18 inches
deep.  In other words, it would be a "footer" foundation.

After a bit more thought... It may be better to bolt them all down, as opposed
to using threaded connections.  For added strength, perhaps a bit of welding??
You'd wanted to connect the "u's" together.  That could be accomplished with
a pipe that is bolted and welded at each connection.  The end result would be
a frame type structure, upon which a roof, and some walls could be bolted on
as well.

This structure may be pretty hot in summer.  The sun will heat the metal, and the
metal will heat the air inside.

I will leave the discussion at this point, in order to cogitate on that issue.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Off-grid post 3.13.18

Been practicing with my Garmin.  This one isn't for the highways and streets.  It's
a trail/ outdoors type.  On my last trip to the property, I attempted to use this
thing without much success.  It was confusing.  I must have walked around and
around in circles with this thing.

I made a few adjustments, like putting north up top of screen.  It wasn't set at
that, yet I kept thinking I was heading north, when I wasn't.

When you are just starting out, you need to learn to crawl before you walk, and
walk before you run.  It looks like as far as locating waypoints with this, I
am still at the crawling stage.

But I learned a something today.  At least I am not as dumb as yesterday.

later still that day...

The simplest thing is to take the trailer out there.  If I do that, I want to
wall it in.

There could be a gravel surface for it to sit on.  Make that the first order of

After that, put in barrels and fill them up.  Inside the barrels will be concrete.
But that is a lot of concrete.  Calculations say one hundred thirty sixty pound
bags.  Too much concrete.  Another plan so that there is not such concrete, pls.

Seems like they have half barrels.  Could check into that.  If it is half as
much, that means only sixty five sixty pound bags.  Only sixty five, my butt.

It would take eight barrels, as a twelve by thirty would be big enough.  Dig down
eighteen inches, drop the barrel in, and set the rebar.  The barrels at each
end would have to be twelve feet apart.  This would allow access, as a big
barrel at each end would not allow the trailer through. 

Before pouring concrete, get the posts installed, as they will be covered in
concrete.  Care needs to be taken so that they are lined up and level, with
the posts being at equal height.  The posts will be four by four by twelve.  If
they are sunk at no more than a foot, then that would give enough height to
allow the trailer to clear.

To build wall, a lot more concrete is needed.  Cinder block may be a better
choice for some of this work.  I want a wall about two feet tall all around.
About six inches of concrete for the base, then a couple cinder blocks on top.

To fill in the walls, use siding.  The roof would come first, of course.  Connect
them up with the posts, and all will be well.  ( Think Animal House )

This isn't a complete and detailed plan, but maybe it can be a start.

Obligatory, 3.13.18

I may have to give it up.  But I really, really don't want to give up on it.  I
am referring to the off-grid project.

The problem is money.  I am not making headway on the debt situation.  It is
worse now than ever.  Unless I get more money coming in, this is not going to

There's one more shot at this, but it may take awhile to play out.  That is,
unless I get more aggressive.

What I want to do is to take my van into town, and use it as a second home away
from home while I am in town.  This requires me to act a bit off the beaten
path so to speak, but it will save me money.  The cost of living is much too
high there, and money is too scarce to spend on lodging.

The thing I have to do is get a place to park the van until I need it.  Then, I
can swap vehicles if I wish.  Hopefully, I can stick around longer in town,
and make a bit more money.

If this doesn't work, there's always other options.  But these are not to my
liking. morning

That was a "night plan".  When the day breaks, everything may seem different.  To
me, the above discussion sounds defeatist this morning.  I must "endeavor to

That was a joke, by the way.  Limbaugh says the best humor has a bit of truth in

"I'm an Indian, alright".  Another joke, which also has a bit of truth in it.
It's better than Senator Elizabeth Warner's claim.  About three percent, if
memory serves, and about one percent North African.  That explains why I like
fried chicken, but not watermelon.

"I crack myself up.", which is a stolen line, but what the heck.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Off-grid post, 3.12.18

It has been awhile since I last posted an off-grid type post.  This project is
still ongoing, but I have to admit that it seems no closer to reality than it
did when I started.  Perhaps the reason for that is indecision.  At some point,
decisions have to be made.

It was nearly four years ago now that I got the land.  It almost seems like it
may take four more years to get out there.  Either do it, or get off the pot.
Besides that, I don't really feel prepared either.  There's probably not any
excuse for that.  There has been plenty of time.  Evidently, I haven't managed
my time very efficiently.

There have been little things that I have been doing, so there's that much.  One
thing was to get a trailer hitch installed on the van.  Now I can pull the trailer
if I wish.  Or anything else for that matter.

In addition, I have been attempting to manage the weeds around here.  As often as
I think of it, I whack away at some weeds here.  What that does is that it gives
me some exercise, but also some practical experience at managing something that
lives.  That may seem an odd thing to write about, but I have never done that
before, and when I did start to do that once, it did not go well.

So, it may be a bridge too far in many more ways than was originally thought.  Shoot,
I haven't even had so much as a dog in my entire life.  Before I built that shack,
I never built as much as a doghouse.  Now look what I am trying to do.  It is even
more of a moonshot than I anticipated.

With respect to dogs, it may be necessary to get one or two of them.

Besides the weeds, I took my machete out to the fallen tree nearby, and took a lot
of whacks at it.  Eventually, I could collect quite a bit of firewood, but that is
not really the purpose.  I just want to see what I can accomplish.  The machete
is not as good as a chainsaw, but it can get through some limbs.

Out west, there isn't much in the way of trees, so a machete may be all I need
out there.

An idea sprung up in my mind recently.  It involves using the trailer out there
after all.  This idea isn't new, but what is new is... not pouring a concrete
foundation.  Instead of that, I could put in the concrete footers.  Instead of
six, I would use the original six for the 10x20 foot enclosed area on the north
side, plus eight or possibly ten more for the trailer.  That could mean as many
as sixteen footers.

Come to think of it, that begins to sound like a lot of work.

Anyway, it is only a thought.  It could be eliminated if it is too complex.

If I were to follow through with that plan, I would enclose the trailer with
a low wall to the south, and a large window area that would let in sunlight in
the winter.  Obviously, I don't want sun coming in during the summer.  The overhang
could take care of that.

It does appear to be too complicated a plan though.  Too much money, not to mention
that it is too much work, which is always a problem right now.

One or the other could be eliminated, I suppose.  That is, the trailer, or the
enclosed area.  As of now, I am leaning towards the enclosed area only.

As for other items, I have still not completely worked out my power issue.  This
is a knotty problem indeed.

At present, I am leaning towards using a propane generator.  In addition to that,
perhaps some batteries, but these are only good for lighting.  You cannot run
serious stuff with batteries-- or at least, not for long.

I can avoid using the a/c, by using a swamp cooler.  I hear they work great out

Well, there's still plenty of time to think about it.  But decisions have to be

This will be all for now.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Mark Levin fired up over Trump-Russian "insanity"

The use of scare quotes on the use of the word "insanity" - is not to be taken as criticism.

The "investigation" is actually worse than insane.  It is the BIG LIE.

Data leaks and so forth

Well, here we are again.  My phone says I am using data in huge gulps, but I
have my doubts.  Instead of having fixed the problem, it only seems to have gotten worse. It says I used nearly a gig the other day...  What???  No way.  No way.  There
is definitely something going on, and I haven't put my finger on it yet, even
though I thought I did.

So, now I will try other things to stop the data leaks.

Since I use the phone so much, I have become pretty dependent upon it.  I am
going to need to use it a lot less, and do other things to occupy my time.
Because of that, my posting shall be limited for the foreseeable future.  No way
that I am going to keep adding money to this thing.  It is sucking down too
much as is.

I got the phone for I want to do, not what somebody else wants me to do.  So, this thing is going to get cut off, and go on a strict data diet.

However, I notice once again, that--- as soon as I get away from this garbage, I
feel better.   There has to be some kind of balance.  You cannot spend too much
time in front of the dad gum machine.

.... the next day, which is Sunday
Slept in pretty late.  As of this writing, it is nearly 10:30 am.

Back to the phone issue...  I have studied it a bit, and I think the anti-virus
may be adding significantly to the data total.  Why this is true, I don't know.
The phone software says that it is taking up a large part of the data stream,
but a lot remains unaccounted for.  One thing is certain, that a lot of this
is taking place in the background.  This is a big reason to be suspicious of
something going on here.  It seems the less I use, the more of the data is in
the background.

Anyway, I am spending more time off-line, and figuring a stragedy ( I know that
is a misspelling, it is a joke ) to fix this.

In the meantime, I am reading the New Testament.  Imagine that.  A few things
here that require comment.  First of all, it seems as though the story after
the Gospels is a continuous one.  I am sure of lot of people who have received something of that education at Sunday school, yours truly was not one of those.  Very little time in Sunday school for yours truly.  So, this was news to me.
Which makes me wonder how much of this would be news to others?

Anyway, the story in Acts shows how the early church got started.  The early
church suffered under a great deal of opposition, as you might imagine ( assuming
you are like me, and remain ignorant of this story. )

Also, it should be noted that to be a Christian today, you run the risk of hate
speech.  Yes indeed, it is right there in Romans, which comes right after Acts.
It is the most stringent anti-homosexual doctrine that you can imagine, and I
can understand how the homosexuals would boo at gatherings of Democrats, when the
mention of God occurs.

They KNOW what they do is against Christianity.  But they intend to change
Christianity.  That's because there is no gray area to hide behind in Romans.
By the way, Romans in the New Testament is where the apostle Paul first arrives
to Rome.  You can imagine what he found there at that time.

'Nuff said for now.  I will continue reading this.  It has applications and lessons
to our present, believe it or not.  I'm sure many out there would have this
kind of thinking suppressed.

Just saying.